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JavaScript Roadmap

js tutorials
1: Learn The Fundamentals
Learn HTML & CSS What is ECMA Script? JavaScript Versions Static & dynamic web pages JS web pages examples
2: Write & Run JavaScript
Syntax Internal & External JS Browser Console
3: JavaScript Basics
Variables Data Types Data Structure Operators Loops Functions Type Conversions Scope Hoisting
4: Functions & Methods
Functions Arrays Objects String this
5: Prototypes
What is prototypes in JS? Prototype chain Class Iterators Inheritance Generators Event loop
6: Asynchronous JavaScript
setTimeout setInterval callbacks Promises async/await
7: Module
Import/Export Collection Error Handling
8: DOM
What is DOM? Proxy Reflection
9: Few More Concepts
Template literals Spread operators Destructuring Strict mode Regular expression Extend keyword
10: Frameworks & Package
React.js Vue.js Angular.js npm express Import packages

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