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HTML Comments

HTML Comments

HTML comments are useful in the documentation purposes of the HTML code such as about the working of code, what it does, etc.

The browser ignores the comments and does not display them. It is only for the developers to use for a better understanding of the HTML code.

Comment Tag

To add comment in the HTML document, use the following syntax

          <!-- Your comment goes here -->
Inline Comments

To add more information about the code such as modifications in the future, notifications, alerts, reminders, etc. in a single line.

Let's see with some example
          <!DOCTYPE html>
              <!-- Below code display a simple paragraph -->
              <p>This is simple paragraph</p>
              <!-- Some interesting content come in the future -->
Block Comments
Let's see with some example
          <!DOCTYPE html>
                This is a
                multi line
              <p>This is simple paragraph</p>
Hide Content

Sometimes we need to hide some content for testing or any other purpose. HTML comments come in handy for this.

Let's see with some example
          <!DOCTYPE html>
              <p>This paragraph display</p>

              <p>This is <!-- simple --> paragraph</p>

              <p>This paragraph display too</p>

                <p>This is not display</p>
                <a href="https://lynxsia.com/" >Same for this link</a>

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