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HTML Multimedia

Everything we see or hear on the web is a multimedia like images, audio, video, graphics, animations, etc. Even the styled text is a form of multimedia.

Multimedia files have different formats and extension such as images (.jpg, .png), audios (.midi, .wav, .mp3), videos (.mp4, .avi, .ogg), etc. But HTML supports only few of them and it is best practice to use only standard file formats.

Video Formats

Below is the listing of common video formats.

Format Description
MPEG (.mpg, .mpeg) Moving Pictures Expert Group
AVI (.avi) Audio Video Interleave
WMV(.wmv) Windows Media Video
QucikTime (.mov) QuicTime (Meta Oxide Varistor)
Flash (.swf, .flv) Flash Video
WebM (.webm) Web Media File HTML Support
MEPG-4 (.mp4) Moving Pictures Expert Group HTML Support (Best to use)
OGG (.ogg) Theora Ogg HTML Support
Audio Formats

Below is the listing of common audio formats.

Format Description
MIDI (.mid, .midi) Musical Instrument Digital Interface
WMA (.wma) Windows Media Audio
WAV (.wav) Wavform Audio File HTML Support
OGG (.ogg) Theora Ogg HTML Support
MP3 (.mp3) Moving Pictures Expert Group HTML Support (Best to use)
Multimedia Elements

Video Elements: <video>, <source>, <track>

Video Elements: <audio>, <source>

Other Elements: <object>, <embed>, <iframe>

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