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HTML Paragraphs

HTML Paragraph

Like Headings, paragraph work as a block of text which always start from the new line. When the browser detects a paragraph, it adds some white space (margin) before and after the paragraph.

In HTML, paragraphs are defined by the <p> element/tag.

Let's see with some example
          <!DOCTYPE html>
              <p>Some paragraph</p>
              <p>Another paragraph</p>
Paragraph View

The paragraph view is controlled by the browsers. We can never be sure how it is going to display on the browser window.

Different screen devices, display the paragraph differently and resize it accordingly.

Suppose we add some extra space and a new line in our code.

The browser will automatically remove extra space or new line when it renders the paragraph.

Let's see with some example
          <!DOCTYPE html>
                This is some paragraph with 
                new line in the HTML code but the browser 
                ignore/remove it.
                This is     some    paragraph       with 
                lots  of   space in               the HTML code but the browser 
                ignore/remove   it.    
HTML <pre> Element

What if we want to add some extra space and new lines in your paragraph?

In such situation, we can use <pre> element (preformatted text).

<pre> element preserve the space and new lines. The formatting for <pre> element is set by the browser but we can change it.

Let's see with some example
          <!DOCTYPE html>
                This is some paragraph with 
                new line in the HTML code but the browser 
                ignore/remove it.
                This is     some    paragraph       with 
                lots  of   space in               the HTML code but the browser 
                ignore/remove   it.    
HTML Line Break

<br> element is used to define a line break in HTML. It is an empty tag (no closing tag required).

With the help of <br> tag, we can starting new line without using another paragraph.

Let's see with some example
          <!DOCTYPE html>
                This is line 1 <br>
                This is line 2 <br>
                This is line 3
HTML Horizontal Rule

<hr> element is used to define a thematic change, normally displayed as a horizontal rule. This is an empty tag.

It is used to separate content or define change in HTML document/page.

Let's see with some example
          <!DOCTYPE html>
              <p>Paragraph 1</p>
              <p>Paragraph 1</p>

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