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HTML Links

HTML links are called hyperlinks means the link is connected to another text or page. Links are found on every web page.

HTML links are helpful in navigating the website or to another webpage by just clicking on the link.

Any HTML Elements can be a link like, text, images, heading, paragraph, etc.

Anchor <a> Tag

The HTML <a> tag is used to define a hyperlink. The href attribute is used to provide the URL or page link.

Let's see with some example
          <!DOCTYPE html>
              <a href="https://lynxsia.com/">Lynxsia IT Solutions</a>

By default, the links appear in the browser with the following styles.

  • Unvisited (Not Clicked) links appear blue and underline
  • Visited (Clicked) links appear purple and underline
  • Active (As you Click/hold) links appear red and underline

Of course, you can style the links with CSS as per your requirements.

Attribute For <a> Tag

Following are some attribute used with <a> tag.

  • href specify the URL of linked page
  • title specify the title for the link
  • target specify where to open the link. "_blank" = "New Window or Tab", "_parent" = "Parent Window or Frame", "_self" = "Same Window or Frame (Default)", "_top" = "Top Window or Frame", "framename" = "Open in specific/named Frame"
  • download to download the linked recourse. You can also specify the name of the downloaded resource.
Let's see with some example
          <!DOCTYPE html>
              <a href="https://lynxsia.com/" title="Lynxsia IT Solution Website">Visit Website</a><br>
              <a href="https://lynxsia.com/" target="_blank">Visit Website</a><br>
              <a href="https://lynxsia.com/upload/logo/lynxsia-it-solutions-logo_1661513244.png" download>Visit Website</a><br>
              <a href="https://lynxsia.com/upload/logo/lynxsia-it-solutions-logo_1661513244.png" download="logo">Visit Website</a>
Image As A Link

Use <img> tag inside <a> tag.

Let's see with some example
          <!DOCTYPE html>
              <a href="https://lynxsia.com/">
                <img src="https://lynxsia.com/upload/logo/lynxsia-it-solutions-logo_1661513244.png" width="100" height="100">
Link To Email Address

Use mailto: inside href attribute.

Let's see with some example
          <!DOCTYPE html>
              <a href="mailto:info@lynxsia.com">Send email to info@lynxsia.com</a>
Link To Phone

Use tel: inside href attribute.

Let's see with some example
          <!DOCTYPE html>
              <a href="tel:07275716753">Contact us at 07275716753</a>
Send Message

Use sms: inside href attribute.

Let's see with some example
          <!DOCTYPE html>
              <!-- For Android -->
              <a href="sms:7275716753?body='Hello From Lynxsia IT Solutions'">Send SMS us at 07275716753</a>
              <!-- For iOS -->
              <a href="sms:7275716753;body='Hello From Lynxsia IT Solutions'">Send SMS us at 07275716753</a>
              <!-- For iOS8 and plus -->
              <a href="sms:7275716753&body='Hello From Lynxsia IT Solutions'">Send SMS us at 07275716753</a>
Script In A Link

Use javascript inside href attribute.

Let's see with some example
          <!DOCTYPE html>
              <a href="javascript:alert('Hello')">Click Me</a>
Button As A Link

Use onclick attribute.

Let's see with some example
          <!DOCTYPE html>
              <button onclick="document.location='https://lynxsia.com'">Click Me</button>
In-page Linking or Referencing

In-page linking is referred to link one element/section of a web page to another webpage. It is very useful when we have a large page and want to navigate from one page section to another.

It is achieved by <a> tag and id attribute.

Let's see with some example
          <!DOCTYPE html>
              <div id="navigation">
                <a href="#price">Price</a><br>
                <a href="#contact">Contact</a>


              <div id="price">
                <h1>Price section heading</h1>
                <p>Price section paragraph</p>
                <a href="#navigation">Navigation</a>


              <div id="contact">
                <h1>Contact section heading</h1>
                <p>Contact section paragraph</p>
                <a href="#navigation">Navigation</a>

"#SectionID" in href link to the section of the specified id of the element. In this case "#price", and "#contact".

"#" symbol in href refers to the same page followed by the page section id. If no section-id is given then it refers to the page root section.

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Lynxsia IT Solutions

We are concern with various development process like website design & development, E-commerce development, Software development, Application development, SMS & Bulk SMS Provider, PWA Development, and many more..

Kotwali Road, Chhiptehri, Banda, 210001, UP, India

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