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HTML Web Storage API

HTML Web Storage API

HTML web storage API is used to store website data to client device (browser) locally. We can store up to 50MB of data using web storage API.

The stored data can be accessed by each and every page within the same origin (domain or protocol) without affecting the performance.

Web Storage Objects

The web storage API provides two types of objects:

localStorage: The data is stored with no expiration (store data like light theme, dark theme, user name, etc.).

sessionStorage: The data is stored for current tab only (store data like token, verification etc.).

Before using web storage, we can check if storage is supported or not.

          if(typeof(Storage) !== "undefined"){
            alert('Web storage supported.');
          } else {
            alert('Web storage not supported.');
localStorage Object

The localStorage object stores data with no expiration. The data is available all the time even after the browser is closed or device is off. The data is lost only when we remove it or user clears the browsing history.

The data is stored as name=value pair.

setItem() - Method is used to store the data

getItem() - Method is used to retrieve the data

removeItem() - Method is used to delete the data

Let's see with some example
          // Store data
          localStorage.setItem("companyName", "Lynxsia IT Solutions");

          // Retrieve data

          // Delete data

In the above example name of data is "companyName" and the value is "Lynxsia IT Solutions".

The above example can also be written as below.

          // Store data
          localStorage.companyName = "Lynxsia IT Solutions";

          // Retrieve data

          // Delete data

The web storage API stores the data as string. We need to convert it as per our requirements.

Below is the example of counter that counts the number of times the button is clicked. The count remains there even if we close the browser and run next time.

Let's see with some example
          <!DOCTYPE html>
                function counter(){
                  if(typeof(Storage) !== "undefined"){
                      localStorage.count = Number(localStorage.count) + 1;
                    } else {
                      localStorage.count = 1;
                    document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = 
                      "Button is clicked " + localStorage.count + " times.";
                  } else {
                    document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = "The storage is supported.";
              <button type="button" onClick="counter()">Click Me</button><br>
              <p id="result"></p>
              <p>Click the button to count.</p>
                Try closing the tab or browser and visit again, 
                the counter will continue to count and does not reset.
sessionStorage Object

The sessionStorage is identical to localStorage except the data is available for current session only. The data gets deleted when user closes the tab or browser.

Let's see with some example
          <!DOCTYPE html>
                function counter(){
                  if(typeof(Storage) !== "undefined"){
                      sessionStorage.count = Number(sessionStorage.count) + 1;
                    } else {
                      sessionStorage.count = 1;
                    document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = 
                      "Button is clicked " + sessionStorage.count + " times.";
                  } else {
                    document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = "The storage is supported.";
              <button type="button" onClick="counter()">Click Me</button><br>
              <p id="result"></p>
              <p>Click the button to count.</p>
                Try closing the tab or browser and visit again, the counter will reset.

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