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HTML Emojis

HTML Emojis

HTML emojis are the characters that looks like an image or icon. These character set are encode in UTF-8 (Unicode) characters.

UTF-8 Character Encoding

To use Unicode characters, first we need to define the UTF-8 charset. UTF-8 is the default character sets but it is best practice to define it.

          <meta charset="UTF-8">
Using Emojis

To use emojis is similar to that of entities and symbols

Some Basic Emojis
Code Output Test Online
&#128512; 😀 Test Online
&#128513; 😁 Test Online
&#128514; 😂 Test Online
&#128515; 😃 Test Online
&#128516; 😄 Test Online
&#128517; 😅 Test Online
&#8986; Test Online
&#9200; Test Online
&#10004; Test Online
&#10006; Test Online

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