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JavaScript Array Const

JS Array Const

It has become a common practice to declare arrays using const.

          const services = ["Website", "Applications", "Software"];
Cannot be Reassigned

An array declared with const cannot be reassigned.

          const services = ["Website", "Applications", "Software"];
          services = ["Design", "Marketing"];  // Not Allowed
Arrays are Not Constants

The keyword const is a little misleading. It does NOT define a constant array. It defines a constant reference to an array. Because of this, we can still change the elements of a constant array.

          const services = ["Website", "Applications", "Software"];

          // Elements can be changed
          services[0] = "Design";

          // Add an element

          // Remove an element
Assigned when Declared

JavaScript const variables must be assigned a value when they are declared. Meaning: An array declared with const must be initialized when it is declared. Using const without initializing the array is a syntax error.

          // This is not allowed          
          const services;
          services = ["Website", "Applications", "Software"];

          // This is allowed          
          var services;
          services = ["Website", "Applications", "Software"];
Const Block Scope

An array declared with const has Block Scope. An array declared in a block is not the same as an array declared outside the block.

          const services = ["Website", "Applications", "Software"];
          // Here services[0] is "Website";

            const services = ["Design", "Marketing"];
            // Here services[0] is "Design";

          // Here services[0] is "Website";

An array declared with var does not have block scope.

          var services = ["Website", "Applications", "Software"];
          // Here services[0] is "Website";

            var services = ["Design", "Marketing"];
            // Here services[0] is "Design";

          // Here services[0] is "Design";
Redeclaring Arrays

Redeclaring an array declared with var is allowed anywhere in a program.

          var services = ["Website", "Applications"];  // Allowed
          var services = ["Applications", "Software"]; // Allowed
          services = ["Website", "Software"];          // Allowed

Redeclaring or reassigning an array to const, in the same scope, or in the same block, is not allowed.

          var services = ["Website", "Applications"];     // Allowed
          const services = ["Website", "Applications"];   // Not allowed
            var services = ["Website", "Applications"];   // Allowed
            const services = ["Website", "Applications"]; // Not allowed

Redeclaring or reassigning an existing const array, in the same scope, or in the same block, is not allowed

          const services = ["Website", "Applications"];   // Allowed
          const services = ["Website", "Applications"];   // Not allowed
          var services = ["Website", "Applications"];     // Not allowed
          services = ["Website", "Applications"];         // Not allowed

            const services = ["Website", "Applications"]; // Allowed
            const services = ["Website", "Applications"]; // Not allowed
            var services = ["Website", "Applications"];   // Not allowed
            services = ["Website", "Applications"];       // Not allowed

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