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JavaScript Date Set Methods

JS Date Set Methods

Set Date methods let you set date values (years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds) for a Date Object.

Date Set Methods

The set methods listed below are used to set date values for a date objects.

Method Description
setFullYear() Set the year (optionally month and day)
setMonth() Set the month (0-11)
setDate() Set the day as a number (1-31)
setHours() Set the hour (0-23)
setMinutes() Set minute (0-59)
setSeconds() Set seconds (0-59)
setMilliseconds() Set millisecond (0-999)
setTime() Set the time (milliseconds since January 1, 1970)
The setFullYear() Method

The setFullYear() method sets the year of a date object.

The setFullYear() method can optionally set month and day.

          const dateTime1 = new Date();

          const dateTime2 = new Date();
          dateTime2.setFullYear(2023, 05, 25);
The setMonth() Method

The setMonth() method sets the month of a date object (0-11).

          const dateTime = new Date();
The setDate() Method

The setDate() method sets the day of a date object (1-31).

The setDate() method can also be used to add days to a date. If adding days shifts the month or year, the changes are handled automatically by the Date object.

          const dateTime1 = new Date();

          const dateTime2 = new Date();
          dateTime2.setDate(dateTime2.getDate() + 45);
The setHours() Method

The setHours() method sets the hours of a date object (0-23).

          const dateTime = new Date();
The setMinutes() Method

The setMinutes() method sets the minutes of a date object (0-59)

          const dateTime = new Date();
The setSeconds() Method

The setSeconds() method sets the seconds of a date object (0-59).

          const dateTime = new Date();
The setMilliseconds() Method

The setMilliseconds() method sets the milliseconds of a date object (0-999).

          const dateTime = new Date();
The setTime() Method

The setTime() method sets a date and time by adding or subtracting a specified number of milliseconds to/from midnight January 1, 1970.

          const dateTime = new Date();
Compare Dates

Dates can easily be compared with date object.

          let text = "";
          const today = new Date();
          const someday = new Date();
          someday.setFullYear(2023, 07, 10);

          if (someday > today) {
            text = "Today is before July 10, 2023.";
          } else {
            text = "Today is after July 10, 2023.";

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