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JavaScript Object ES5

JS Object ES5

ECMAScript 5 (2009) added a lot of new Object Methods to JavaScript.

Managing Objects
          // Create object with an existing object as prototype

          // Adding or changing an object property
          Object.defineProperty(object, property, descriptor)

          // Adding or changing object properties
          Object.defineProperties(object, descriptors)

          // Accessing Properties
          Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, property)

          // Returns all properties as an array

          // Accessing the prototype

          // Returns enumerable properties as an array
Protecting Objects
          // Prevents adding properties to an object

          // Returns true if properties can be added to an object

          // Prevents changes of object properties (not values)

          // Returns true if object is sealed

          // Prevents any changes to an object

          // Returns true if object is frozen
Changing a Property Value
          Object.defineProperty(object, property, {value : value})
          const user = { name: "John", city: "New York" };

          // Change a property
          Object.defineProperty(user, "city", {value : "New Delhi"});
Changing Meta Data

ES5 allows the following property meta data to be changed.

          writable : true      // Property value can be changed
          writable : false     // Property value can not be changed
          enumerable : true    // Property can be enumerated
          enumerable : false   // Property can be not enumerated
          configurable : true  // Property can be reconfigured
          configurable : false // Property can be not reconfigured

ES5 allows getters and setters to be changed.

          // Defining a getter
          get: function() { return city }
          // Defining a setter
          set: function(value) { city = value }
          // This makes city read-only
          Object.defineProperty(user, "city", {writable: false});

          // This makes language not enumerable
          Object.defineProperty(user, "city", {enumerable: false});
Listing All Properties

Object.getOwnPropertyNames() list all properties of an object.

          const user = { name: "John", city: "New York" };

          Object.getOwnPropertyNames(user);  // Returns an array of properties
Listing Enumerable Properties

Object.keys() list only the enumerable properties of an object.

          const user = { name: "John", city: "New York" };

          Object.defineProperty(user, "city", {enumerable: false});
          Object.keys(user);  // Returns an array of enumerable properties
Adding a Property

Object.defineProperty() can be used to add a property.

          const user = { name: "John", city: "New York" };

          Object.defineProperty(user, "age", {value: 25});
Adding Getters and Setters

Object.defineProperty() can also be used to add Getters and Setters.

          const user = { name: "John", city: "New York" };

          // Define a getter
          Object.defineProperty(user, "greetings", {
            get: function () {return "Hello " + this.name;}
Example: Counter
          // Define object
          const obj = {counter:0};
          // Define setters
          Object.defineProperty(obj, "reset", {
            get : function () {this.counter = 0;}
          Object.defineProperty(obj, "increment", {
            get : function () {this.counter++;}
          Object.defineProperty(obj, "decrement", {
            get : function () {this.counter--;}
          Object.defineProperty(obj, "add", {
            set : function (value) {this.counter += value;}
          Object.defineProperty(obj, "subtract", {
            set : function (i) {this.counter -= i;}
          // Play with the counter:
          obj.add = 5;
          obj.subtract = 1;

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