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JavaScript Arrays

JS Arrays

An array is a special variable, which can hold more than one value

          const services = ["Website", "Applications", "Software"];
Why Use Arrays?

Array can be used to group similar type of data in a single variable. For example, storing a large data of mobile phone names in a single variable and access it via index.

Creating an Array

Array can be created using new keyword or using array literals. Array literal is the easiest way to create a JavaScript Array

          // using new keyword
          const services1 = new Array();
          const services2 = new Array("Website", "Applications", "Software");

          // using array literals
          const services3 = [];
          const services4 = ["Website", "Applications", "Software"];
Accessing Array Elements

You access an array element by referring to the index number.

Array index start from 0. It means, first element is [0], second element is [1], and so on.

          const services = ["Website", "Applications", "Software"];
          services[0];  // Website
          services[1];  // Applications
          services[2];  // Software
Changing an Array Element
          const services = ["Website", "Applications", "Software"];
          services[0] = "Designing";
          services[1] = "Marketing";
          services[2] = "Consulting";
Converting an Array to a String

The JavaScript method toString() converts an array to a string of (comma separated) array values

          const services = ["Website", "Applications", "Software"];
          services.toString();  // Website,Applications,Software

          // Below line automatically convert array to string
          services;  // Website,Applications,Software

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