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JavaScript provides different Data Types to store different types of value in a variable.
JavaScript is a Dynamic Type Language, means you don't need to specify type of the variable because it is dynamically used by JavaScript.
var demo; // demo is undefined
demo = 10; // demo is number
demo = "Lynxsia IT Solutions"; // demo is string
demo = true; // demo is Boolean
JavaScript changes data type of the variable as per the calculation.
var a = 10;
var b = "Lynxsia";
var c = a + b; // Here a is dynamically casted to string
All JavaScript numbers are stored as decimal numbers (floating point).
// Float (With decimals)
let a = 34.00;
// Integer (Without decimals)
let b = 34;
// Big Integer
let x = BigInt("123456789012345678901234567890");
// Big Integer
let y = 123e5; // 12300000
let z = 123e-5; // 0.00123
A string (or a text string) is a series of characters. Strings are written with quotes. You can use single or double quotes.
// Single quote inside double quotes:
let answer1 = "It's alright";
// Single quotes inside double quotes:
let answer2 = "He is called 'Johnny'";
// Double quotes inside single quotes:
let answer3 = 'He is called "Johnny"';
Booleans can only have two values: true or false.
let a = true;
let b = false;
JavaScript arrays are written with square brackets. Array items are separated by commas. The following code declares (creates) an array called cars, containing three items (car names). Array indexes are zero-based, which means the first item is [0], second is [1], and so on.
const cars = ["Saab", "Volvo", "BMW"];
JavaScript objects are written with curly braces {}. Object properties are written as name:value pairs, separated by commas.
const person = {firstName:"John", lastName:"Doe", age:50, eyeColor:"blue"};
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