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JavaScript Classes

JS Classes

JavaScript Classes are templates for JavaScript Objects. Classes were introduced in ES6.

JavaScript Class Syntax

Use the keyword class to create a class. It is a good practice to always add a method named constructor().

          class ClassName {
            constructor() { ... }

The class has two initial properties: "name" and "year". A JavaScript class is not an object. It is a template for JavaScript objects.

Using a Class

When you have a class, you can use the class to create objects.

          const myCar1 = new Car("Ford", 2014);
          const myCar2 = new Car("Audi", 2019);
The Constructor Method

The constructor method is a special method:

  • It has to have the exact name "constructor"
  • It is executed automatically when a new object is created
  • It is used to initialize object properties

If you do not define a constructor method, JavaScript will add an empty constructor method.

Class Methods

Class methods are created with the same syntax as object methods.

Use the keyword class to create a class.

Always add a constructor() method.

Then add any number of methods.

          class ClassName {
            constructor() { ... }
            method_1() { ... }
            method_2() { ... }
            method_3() { ... }
          class Car {
            constructor(name, year) {
              this.name = name;
              this.year = year;
            age() {
              const date = new Date();
              return date.getFullYear() - this.year;

          const myCar = new Car("Ford", 2014);
          document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML =
          "My car is " + myCar.age() + " years old.";
Parameters To Class Methods
          class Car {
            constructor(name, year) {
              this.name = name;
              this.year = year;
            age(x) {
              return x - this.year;

          const date = new Date();
          let year = date.getFullYear();

          const myCar = new Car("Ford", 2014);
          "My car is " + myCar.age(year) + " years old.";

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