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JavaScript HTML DOM Collections

JS HTML DOM Collections

HTML DOM collection is a list of HTML elements.

The HTMLCollection Object

The getElementsByTagName() method returns an HTMLCollection object.

An HTMLCollection object is an array-like list (collection) of HTML elements.

The following code selects all <p> elements in a document.

          const myCollection = document.getElementsByTagName("p");

The elements in the collection can be accessed by an index number. The index starts at 0.

To access the second <p> element you can write

HTML HTMLCollection Length

The length property defines the number of elements in an HTMLCollection.


The length property is useful when you want to loop through the elements in a collection

              <h1>DOM HTML Collection</h1>
              <p>Hello world 1!</p>
              <p>Hello world 2!</p>
              <p>Hello world 3!</p>
              <button onclick="myFunction()">Click To Change Paragraph Color</button>
                function myFunction() {
                  const myCollection = document.getElementsByTagName("p");
                  const colors = ['red', 'blue', 'green'];
                  for (let i = 0; i < myCollection.length; i++) {
                    myCollection[i].style.color = colors[i];

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